


Translators do the writing

Translators work with the written word, 将文本从源语言转换为目标语言. 这远不止用一个词替换另一个词那么简单. The translator must also convey the style, tone, and intent of the text, 同时考虑到文化和方言的差异.

Often, 完成的文档读起来应该像最初是用目标语言为目标读者编写的一样. But this is not always the case. 高度专业化的内容可能要求译者在翻译目的语时保留原语文化的元素. 一个专业的翻译将有专业知识,知道最好的翻译方法.

Translators usually work in one direction

一些翻译人员可能能够理解几种不同的源语言, 但一般来说,他们只有一种目标语言——通常是他们的母语.

Good writers in their native languages


Often specialize by subject areas

Like many professional writers, translators specialize in certain subject areas, such as law, medicine, business, banking, technology, and science. 专业化要求对该学科及其源语言和目标语言术语有深入的了解

Different methods for establishing fees

一些译者根据源语言的字数为他们的作品定价, 另一些则是按目标语言的字数收费. Some base their fees on hourly estimates. 当你需要快速完成翻译项目时, 询问翻译是否愿意为额外的报酬工作更长时间, frequently called "rush" charges.

Rates vary by specialty and language

Rates also vary by specialty and language. In general, 翻译一篇本地新闻文章的成本比翻译一份技术文件要低, 而将同一份文件翻译成英语到西班牙语的成本通常低于将其翻译成英语到汉语的成本.


Interpreters do the talking

Interpreters work with the spoken word, 将语言从源语言转换为目标语言. 这比流利地说两种语言要重要得多. 口译员还必须传达说话人的风格和语气, while taking into account differences of culture, dialect, and setting. 听者听到翻译后的信息时,应该像原来是用他们自己的语言说出来的一样.

Interpreters usually work in two directions

Most interpreters work bi-directionally, 这意味着一个解释器经常在目标语言和源语言之间工作.

Good speakers in their native languages


The setting determines the method of interpreting

Simultaneous interpreting


同声传译的设置包括法庭程序, international meetings, television news broadcasts, and press conferences. 联合国的会议是公认最普遍使用同声传译的场合.

Consecutive interpreting


连续传译的设置包括小型会议, person-to-person communication, and question-and-answer sessions, 比如律师与客户的面谈以及医生与病人的会面.

Often specialize by subject areas

口译员通常专攻某些领域, such as law, medicine, business, banking, technology, science, and literature. 专业化要求对该学科及其源语言和目标语言术语有深入的了解

One common requirement

为了有效而准确地进行翻译,口译员必须能够清楚地听到说话者的声音. 如果口译员能看到说话者,这也是有帮助的——而且是最好的.

Usually paid by the job

口译员根据工作时间长短来定工资,按小时、半天或全天计算. If you need an interpreter for an entire day, be sure to specify whether the day is 7, 8, or more hours.

Keys to successful translation and interpreting

  1. 雇佣一个精通母语写作的语言专家
  2. 找一个在你的业务领域有专长的语言专家
  3. 向语言专家提供尽可能多的关于任务的信息
  4. Establish the basis for the fee—word count, source or target, and rush services for translation, and hourly, half day, or all day, and the number of hours in a day for interpreters
  5. Check references and review sample translations

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